Gym Shoe Drive: Step Up!

Our homeless guests walk miles every day, so having good walking/gym shoes is a need. Each Maundy/Holy Thursday, Carpenter’s Place hosts a special event where every guest who walks through our doors receives a new pair of gym shoes, along with 2 pairs of socks and foot powder. We continue to give shoes out through summer.
If you are able to donate NEW gym shoes, your support would be greatly appreciated. Our main need is men’s sizes between 9 and 12.
Here’s how you can donate:
•Drop these items off at Carpenter’s Place, 1149 Railroad Avenue, Rockford, IL 61104 Monday through Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm or Friday from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm
•Order through CP’s Amazon wish list and have it delivered directly to us (please include a gift receipt so we know who made the donation). Here’s the link:
•Drop your new shoe donations off at Carpenter’s Corner, 1715 Rural St, Rockford, IL and receive a 10% off your next purchase coupon.
For more information, please contact Patti Floyd. She can be reached at 779-210-2970 or
Thank you in advance for your help with this special request.
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