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Double Your Dollars During December

Double Dollars is back! This December, your donation and positive impact can be doubled!

All cash donations received during the month of December, up to $100,000, will be MATCHED 100% by the generosity of some amazing donors.

Your gift can be delivered or mailed to Carpenter’s Place directly, or you can donate online. Gifts may be given in honor of or in memory of a loved one. Recognition cards provided. Gifts posted marked by December 31, 2021 will be eligible for the match.

The homeless men, women and families at Carpenter’s Place have wish lists, too. They start with basics like food, clean clothes, and a shower. Then they move to things that will really change their lives. Things they often believe are impossible to achieve:

  • Someone to believe in them; give them a chance
  • Renewed hope
  • Restored confidence
  • Housing
  • Employment

Once they meet with a case manager, they realize they have a partner in rebuilding their life. They aren’t alone any longer. Together, they make a step-by-step plan to move from the streets to stability. It’s a long road that takes a lot of hard work but it can be done. With determination, accountability and a strong support system, it suddenly seems possible to achieve those items on their wish list! Renewed hope! A precious gift!

Donate today and see how great it feels to help homeless men and women in our community this holiday season.


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Carpenter’s Place
1149 Railroad Avenue
Rockford, IL 61104

Thank you for supporting the mission of Carpenter’s Place.

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1149 Railroad Avenue, Rockford, IL 61104 | (815) 964-4105

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