Volunteers Need for Clean-up Project

Carpenter’s Corner is Happening!
After a very thorough due diligence process, it is with joy and gratitude that we announce Carpenter’s Place has purchased the former Schnuck’s building on Rural Street. It will be the future home of Carpenter’s Corner…thrift and more!
This new earned-income venture will raise funds for the support of our services to homeless adults and families in crisis, and also house special mission-based programs such as our Cycles for Change bike program, a children’s “give-away” library, professional clothing for those seeking employment, and more.
To get the process started, we are having a clean-up day!
Sunday, May 23
8:30 am – 3:00 pm
We welcome volunteers to arrive and leave based on your schedule and availability.
To sign up to help, or answer additional questions, please contact Brooke at Carpenter’s Place; 815-964-4105 ext.203; CPEngagement@CarpentersPlace.org
If volunteers have any of the following to bring, that will be appreciated but not required:
- Brooms
- Buckets
- Mops
- Power washer
- Rags
- Rakes
- Shovels
- Wheelbarrows
- Paper towels
- Trash bags
- Lawn waste bags

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